Friday 1 November 2013

Fine Artists

Tony Cragg

Tony Cragg is a British sculptor who is most famous for his (I don't know what to call them), abstract face busts?  and abstract figures. His work seems to be of ordinary or simple type scenes or objects and creates them out of fairly mainstream materials, wood, metal and resins seam to be his go to favorites. Tony's sculptures are impressive in its scale and its finish, they are all massive sculptures, highly polished and self supporting. I imagine they will be quite striking when viewed in really life and I appreciate the curvature of their form and the use of a single colour per piece. However that is about all i can say about this artist, i think his work s pretty non-discript, bland and dead. it does not intrigue,impress or enthrall me to any degree and I do not feel better of for having seen it.

Racheal Whitread

Racheal whitread is an interesting artist to me in that I am wonder why anyone likes her work, this artist puts books on a shelf, squares on the floor and fills her house with plaster of paris. Wow so inspiring, I think its bringing a tear to my eye, oh its not.
But hold on guys dont be completely dissapointed, she can paint too...........

Peter Doig

 Peter doig is a painter who uses oil paints to create the 'wishy washy' effect of his pictures, he does not use definite lines or colour borders but lets it all appear very casual. 
His pictures depict very low motion scenes with no rush or sense of urgency, however a lot of pictures have a lonesome feel to the character(s). Another thing I notice about his pictures is that he does not use a very diverse colour palette in each picture and in fact keep all the different colour hues similar tonally to each other. His paintings are quite nice and plain but still 'deep',I think they can be quite peaceful and soothing to look at.

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