Sunday 10 November 2013

Body parts

My some of my initial ideas for an open project about body parts; 
The most obvious artwork that's related to 'body parts' would be the early Carcass albums, Reek of putrification (1988) and Symphonies of sickness (1989). 
The Artwork on both of these albums was created from collage out of autopsy photos mixed in with pictures of animal remains.You cannot dispute the originality and creativity of these pieces although small children might want to avoid looking in detail at these pictures before lunch. It also reminds me of British artist Jonathan Yeo who does a similar thing, but uses pornographic images to build up a larger portrait. Again not one for the kiddies.
However it wouldn't necessarily be that pleasant to work in this style, creating pictures from cadaver images so I don think I would continue any further from these pieces.Less grotesque collages could be made from magazine, newspaper cutting or print offs to give the same type of effect, such as this, interestingly this could be made into a picture that is still disgusting but not in the same way.

Another thing that came to my mind when thinking about body parts was this really interesting piece from Citidel miniatures that I once saw called the Corpse cart. The images below show several variations of the same kit. These pieces are very customisable as you assemble and paint them yourself and can be modified.

I love the great detail and intricacy right down the nuts and bolts on the wheels and veins in the zombies arms. I really admire how the designer has made this model feel so gross and just oozing with gore and dripping blood. I think its really cool how simply using different painting effects can really change the feel of the piece. There are plenty of lovely and juicy body parts here but that's not the only connection to the tag line 'body parts' I can think off, the whole piece is assembled out a kit of individual parts, some are literally body parts e.g ;a leg or a hand, but other are just parts that build up to create a whole 'body'. I think this is quite a cool idea. It could lead to possibilites of playing around, using identical kits and assembling them in different ways like back to front or something or crossing over kits and mixing something like aeroplane  parts with human body parts to create strange hybrid bodies.

This reminds me of the pieces of car body and wheels arranged in a similar way to create an installation used to decorate the studio of BBC 2's popular motoring show Top Gear. Just quite a good way to show different 'body parts' be they biological or mechanical. 

This piece follows a similar sort of idea, just more sculptural and more organically formed but shows body parts but to me just looks really boring to be honest and now i'm running out of ideas......

btw this picture is called Daisy chain by Kiki smith

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