Sunday 17 November 2013

....aint it just so

2D design

"Using the college library identify the graphic design, Illustration & textiles magazines/journals for research.  Choose a relevant article that interests you, and post it on your blog, describing why you chose it."  

I chose this because this probably the most valuable piece of 2D design in the world currently, the Australian government just payed 8 $million for their license , the US government is probably going to pay $639,863.99 for a license for multicam it although they have already spent a large amount of money on it already, the UK government has also paid for a license for thier own version however this amount is not public.

Olivier Kugler
Olivier kugler is an illustrator who draws with a distinctive scribbled, doodled style. his drawings are done with a fine liner ink-pen and then coloured in digitally. One of Kuglers distint styles is his colouration style where he only partially colours in his pictures and colours in different levels of detail at different places in his picture. overall I like how his pictures are not too fancy and doesn't have any shading. Olivier Kuglers scenes usually have a lot going on and but it is just depictave of a normal everyday scene, i sort of reminds me of a wheres wally type picture almost, well to me it definatly looks like it would be used in childrens books.

Noma Bar

This artist obviously puts a lot of thought and consideration into shape, scale, colour and composition, without deliberately and carefully applying these techniques his work may not be as popular as his illustrations lack detail and depth. this guy is basically the boss of negative space and basically creates soft-core visual illusions. Its what I would call coffee shop art, or the sort of thing that people hang prints of in their city flat.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Body parts part 2

A task I had to do was like made some bodies out of some random pieces of stuff, take pictures nd upload'em. The bodies could have been of anything, not just people and animals, it could have even been bodies of letters (type) or anything....anyway I made....
 A ray gun,

 Some dogs, 
 a shark ,

 a butterfly,
 Steven segal,

 a bone in a shoe

a weird little dude who looks like a character out of the film '9'.When I was messing around with this guys eyes I thought the buttons could become quite good vertebrae. 
...and a spine.

Body parts

My some of my initial ideas for an open project about body parts; 
The most obvious artwork that's related to 'body parts' would be the early Carcass albums, Reek of putrification (1988) and Symphonies of sickness (1989). 
The Artwork on both of these albums was created from collage out of autopsy photos mixed in with pictures of animal remains.You cannot dispute the originality and creativity of these pieces although small children might want to avoid looking in detail at these pictures before lunch. It also reminds me of British artist Jonathan Yeo who does a similar thing, but uses pornographic images to build up a larger portrait. Again not one for the kiddies.
However it wouldn't necessarily be that pleasant to work in this style, creating pictures from cadaver images so I don think I would continue any further from these pieces.Less grotesque collages could be made from magazine, newspaper cutting or print offs to give the same type of effect, such as this, interestingly this could be made into a picture that is still disgusting but not in the same way.

Another thing that came to my mind when thinking about body parts was this really interesting piece from Citidel miniatures that I once saw called the Corpse cart. The images below show several variations of the same kit. These pieces are very customisable as you assemble and paint them yourself and can be modified.

I love the great detail and intricacy right down the nuts and bolts on the wheels and veins in the zombies arms. I really admire how the designer has made this model feel so gross and just oozing with gore and dripping blood. I think its really cool how simply using different painting effects can really change the feel of the piece. There are plenty of lovely and juicy body parts here but that's not the only connection to the tag line 'body parts' I can think off, the whole piece is assembled out a kit of individual parts, some are literally body parts e.g ;a leg or a hand, but other are just parts that build up to create a whole 'body'. I think this is quite a cool idea. It could lead to possibilites of playing around, using identical kits and assembling them in different ways like back to front or something or crossing over kits and mixing something like aeroplane  parts with human body parts to create strange hybrid bodies.

This reminds me of the pieces of car body and wheels arranged in a similar way to create an installation used to decorate the studio of BBC 2's popular motoring show Top Gear. Just quite a good way to show different 'body parts' be they biological or mechanical. 

This piece follows a similar sort of idea, just more sculptural and more organically formed but shows body parts but to me just looks really boring to be honest and now i'm running out of ideas......

btw this picture is called Daisy chain by Kiki smith

Sunday 3 November 2013


These first 4 images show a bust I made from cardboard 'slices' stacked in layers around a central pillar. 
I am full aware this does not look anything like a head and I could say its not meant to be replicatory and is just an artistic interpretation of the result of many hours of brainstorming and that I chose this to experiment with creating a product and in fact this piece represents my thought process of the world slice in my head whilst brain storming and actually my head is made of slices.of a head and creating it using the world slice. You may accept that answer and then be led to think it is a good piece of work, well thought out and a good way to 3 dimentionalise my ideas, however I will now tell you the real reason this piece looks the way it does, its called the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 and this prevents me from being able to carve any detail at all, scissors only my friends. So basically sorry but making this piece have any more detail or tidy it up would be illegal so sorry.

 This photo shows the model partly disassembled to show what its made of, I arranged them in order of being stacked, going right -left. I bet you feel better after looking at that! 

Some more pictures that don't show you anything new and are not particularly interesting, and it definatley did not take long to set up. I hope you enjoy.

 Very expressionful photography of my second piece concerning the word slice.

You can the manikin is made from wire and the figure has a removable slice out of him, this could connect the figure to themes such as 'slice of life' or' I'de like a piece of you'. The figure is fairly generic, it appears to represent an adult Caucasian male, however with no facial features it is hard to dissurn the emotions on this character.

"excuse me dude I think you've dropped something"
                                                                                 " Oh its okay its just my spleen"

Friday 1 November 2013

Bro do you even tube?


You know those days when your walking down to your local taxidermist and you start wondering what would happen if you made an artistic looking tube from your grannies old curtains and positioned them in weird places about town? I know I do. If this sounds like you then BEHOLD!......... for I have the answer.....


 (Random side picture, kinda like side boob but not as funny)

.....what more can I say, I mean what more could you possibly want? what world peace? okay okay one thing at a time! jeez!

#YOLO #besties #rockingoutwithyourtubeout #tubebuddies