Wednesday 2 October 2013

Walking as a creative process

 Chris Burchell
Brent Tor in distanceBrent Tor by Chris Burchell
 Chris works with mixed media and acrylic paints. He obviously gains his inspiration from walking and copies or is  inspired by the scenes he sees when out. From a random website about artists who try to protect the countryside with their work.

Hamish Fulton

Hamish Fulton appears to be a dude who like to walk a lot. His art is quite interesting for me because i like walking expeditions and going to wild places, so i am interested in where hes been and what he felt like. I suppose from an art perspective his works are interesting in regards to colour, composition,shape and form. I think they are quite striking or noticeable because of the symbols and colours he uses which look very similar to instruction and safety notices seen in places like ferries and planes (e.g "life boat here" etc), most likely connected to his copious travelling. He focuses on text as art and very specific about what the text is which is usually diegetic. I  personally would not want to come back and look at most of his pictures again as for me they hold limited viewing potential. Some of his work is also political, i dont think it has changed the world though.

Tony Moore
Sea Of Red #7Dr. TongueCrawlspace: XXXombies #1

Tony Moore is an illustrator who uses the WALKING (dead) in his creative process. He is one of the artists responsible for the artwork in the walking dead series of comics. I think he can create some really nice menacing drawings. I think his images have great character and are really interesting and very open in to repeat viewing due to their detail and stylized creation. I find his work pretty interesting and versatile and much more fun to look at that the other 2 artists work.

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