Friday 18 October 2013

Artists who use experimental mark making

 Cai Guo QIang

Cai Guo Qiang is a Chinese artist who uses experimental and unconventional materials to create his works. The pictures above show his pictures created from drawing in a mixture of powders including gunpowder onto paper or fabric and then igniting the powder to create burns and smudges onto the paper to create his marks and thus his drawing. I find some of his works to be quite good and they all do seem certainly fun to create, as they are 'experimental' drawings they have certain level of unpredictability to them especially when using active ingredients such as gunpowder which could improve the pictures in the eyes of some, not me though however on the whole i think his pictures are interesting especially as they often have traditional Chinese art and cultural influences and of course gunpowder is a commodity originally from china so I think overall it is an interesting concept.

Kyle Myers A.K.A Dmitri Potapoff

Kyle Myers is an american artist and designer who works under the alias of Dmitri Potapoff. He experiments in many different artistic fields including painting, music, photography, film making and design. Kyle works very well in experimental painting and mark making, his works are very educational and fun. 
Kyle is one of the biggest artists who uses experimental mark making and is also one of my favorites with his work has been viewed tens on millions of times. Kyle is highly talented and does not stick to traditional artistic practices but likes to modernize his work, whilst keeping a grounding with his work inline with traditional techniques.

Patrick Rochon

Patrick Rochon is an artist who uses light to create marks rather than anything physical. His work looks very advanced and technical and he uses light so that it looks like brush strokes. This gives his images a very interesting effect as they could potentially be paintings which is a cool concept. I think his work has a very emotional feeling and somewhat dark theme to them which is ironic because he is painting with light. It appears he thinks very carefully about his images and what they will look like before hand and sets himself some rough parameters but keep himself free to play around with the fine detail. Patrick works in a very traditional way in the aspects he uses his medium (light) as paint and always works in a traditional canvas and paint format. I think he has a good mix of modern and old ways.

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