Wednesday 2 October 2013

3 Photographers of note.

Faye Goodwin

 this picture is pretty interesting to me because basically it looks cool, i think it does very well at being the visual representation of an emotion, it could be many different things like peace,loneliness or regret or anything. but for me it looks most like awe or isolation and absolution, it looks like it should be displayed with some awe-inspiring music. This image is very much similar to the ones used on the album 'Atlas' by Parkway Drive (which very well could have been inspired by Faye's,). I really relish the way pictures and music can be displayed perfectly together to create brilliant ambiance.

Irving Pen
 I like this image because of the way the light has been arranged masterfully to interact with the subject and form a very beautiful image. in my opinion this is a picture that is worthy of wall time but not to be taken to seriously, its just more about beautiful form than deep meaning or not meant to make the viewer think to hard.

George Tice

Without realizing it my chosen 3 artists out of 50 are all ones how predominantly or exclusively work in black and white or old style photographs. George Tice is no exception but to be honest all these pictures could have been taken by the same person because they all look basically the same and are done the same way, however in my opinion Irving and Faye are more skilled photographers than George because his pictures look much more plain and less technical than the other 2 photographers, somewhat more plain, but perhaps that is his appeal? taking more 'realistic' or put more accurate 'closer to life' photos than the other 2. however i do like this picture 'country road' however it definitely will become boring quicker than the other 2.

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